• 如来妙春

            “I also tell you a story about cherry blossoms!(我也给你讲一个关于樱花的故事吧!)”辰说。


            “The cherry blossom is the national flower of Japan, but few of them know why Japan is chosen as the national flower cherry blossoms.(樱花是日本的国花,但是却很少有人知道为什么日本选择樱花作为国花。)Cherry blossoms in the eyes of many people is a beautiful, beautiful and romantic symbol.(樱花在很多人的心目中是美丽、漂亮和浪漫的象征。)Cherry reason as the national flower of Japan is because of the spirit of Sakura, which the Japanese call "Sakura complex", the flowering cherry generally only 3-5 days, because the cherry blossoms in their most brilliant when fade.(樱花之所以作为日本的国花,是因为樱花的精神,也就是日本人所说的“樱花情结”,樱花的花期一般只有3-5天,因为樱花选择了在自己最辉煌的时候凋谢。)This is the cherry blossom spirit.(这就是樱花精神。)According to legend, before the cherry blossoms only white, heroic warrior chose to open a section under the cherry tree.(相传,以前樱花只有白色的,英勇的武士选择了在心爱的樱花树下剖腹。)Because when a warrior believes he has reached the glory of life, he will choose to end his life.(因为当一个武士认为自己达到了人生的......


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