• 京城映秋



            合唱:Hey Hey You You

            I don’t like your girlfriend

            No way No way

            I think you need a new one

            Hey Hey You You

            I could be your girlfriend

            Avril Lavigne-Girlfriend

            Hey Hey You You

            I know that you like me

            No way No way

            No, it’s not a secret

            Hey Hey You You

            I want to be your girlfriend

            Album:The Best Damn Thing

            You’re so fine

            I want you mine

            You’re so delicious

            I think about you

            all the time

            You are so addictive

            Don’t you know

            What I can do

            To make you feel alright

            Don’t pretend

            I think you know

            I’m damn precious

            Hell Yeah

            I’m the mother princess

            I can tell you like me too

            And you know I’m right

            She’s like so whatever

            You can do so much better

            I think we should get together now

            Well that's what everyone's ......


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